Friday, April 8, 2011

Day 6 – 1 April 2011

Nicole was up with Alexis at 3:45 pushing her around until 4:45, finally swaddled her back to sleep between us, but not good sleep for anyone. She woke up for good at 5:50, but just in time for us to go see the supposed monkeys, so we did. Nicole still wanted to sleep so I took Alexis on the backpack and walked along the beach. It's hard enough walking yourself in the sand, let alone adding another thirty pounds on my back. After walking quite a way, I saw a sign at the top of the beach that said there were monkeys there. We didn't see anything, so kept walking. Within another few hundred feet, we saw someone else standing under a tree. Sure enough, there they were. At least a dozen of them climbing through the branches and eating off the tree. I stayed back a bit taking pictures, and then realized that I could practically get right under them and they were completely fine with us being there. I was able to get many great pictures and videos of the primates. By this time they were about done with breakfast and making their way back into the trees. Alexis was getting a little restless, so we headed back to the resort property. Just finishing getting back, I passed Rob & Christina (again) as they were going for a morning massage on the beach.

It was already hot by this point and I was sweating on my entire body. Since breakfast was open, I went and got glass after glass of orange juice (probably five or six in total). Trying to let Nicole sleep as long as possible, we went to eat breakfast without her. Alexis ate a little bit, but wasn't too fussy so I was at least able to eat something and get more to drink. We also saw Rob & Christina again and they joined us for breakfast. Afterwards, we went back to get Nicole and let her eat something. Alexis was ready for a nap and fell asleep fairly easily. I washed a few pieces of clothing in the bathtub with some laundry detergent we bought at the convenience store. We just needed a few things washed to last us for the next week and we hung those up to dry.

Time to go in the pool again. She swam around as happy as can be with no rash to be seen. By this time, she's figured out how to hold on the edge and pull herself up so her feet are just floating behind her. She would do that to see me when I was standing at the bottom of the wall. She also felt that she didn't always need to hold on to the wall and letting go had no consequences – however she can neither balance on her own, nor swim. After swimming, we ate some lunch and then headed down to the beach. Alexis didn't have as much fun this time as she seemed a little more uninterested in the sand. We were able to get some more pictures and Nicole went in the ocean again. Back to the pool again we went to finish getting all the sand off of us. She was getting tired by this point, so we didn't stay in too long.

This was our last full day at the resort, so we decided to get some shopping in since we knew there was some around. We figured we'd run into all kinds of souvenir shops on our travels, but wanted to make sure we at least got a few things here. Alexis was falling asleep now and I pushed her around while Nicole got most of our packing done. There wasn't much time left here and we were about ready to move on to bigger and brighter things. We ate our last dinner tonight and was pretty much the usual.

As Alexis was falling asleep in her stroller, we talked to tour desk at the hotel to find out what they recommend to do in Monteverde. With the combined knowledge of them and what we've read, we planned our itinerary for where we wanted to go and what we wanted to do for the next two days. Tonight's entertainment was karaoke and there was no way either of us would be participating in that. Who knows if it was actually karaoke, anyway – the track record for the name of the show corresponding to the actual content was not very good. It's a bummer we're going to miss tomorrow night's show, "Michael Jackson"; it's probably going to be a tribute to Billy Joel. Alexis fell asleep on cue in the lobby, Nicole got some things done on the Internet, and Brian fell asleep on a chair in the lobby. We headed into the room around 22:00. Alexis slept in stroller because we didn't want to risk moving her.

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