Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day 3 – 29 March 2011

Alexis woke up crying at 1:00 so we had to give her a bottle and put her back down again. She then woke again at 5:00 hungry for another bottle (even though she only drank half). Breakfast starts at 7:00 and she didn't want to go back to sleep so I took Alexis back out in the stroller while Nicole could sleep a little more. Alexis actually did fall asleep for a bit while strolling around looking at the sunrise. The sun rises up over the mountains and it's very hazy so it wasn't very picturesque. I laid down on a bench in the lobby to relax and could have used about another hour's sleep.

When she woke up this time, there was for sure no way she was going back to sleep now. I went to get Nicole up so we could go eat breakfast. We had to move quickly because Alexis was on and off in a fussy mood. However, she didn't eat much at breakfast and we pretty much had to cut it short because she was causing a scene – not even fruit would work.

Since I wanted to do Zip Lining (Canopy Tour), and Nicole and Alexis weren't allowed to, we decided to look for a tour that was relatively close and didn't take all day for me to go on by myself. They offer one that's only ten or fifteen minutes away from here and lasts two hours, so that was pretty much perfect. We signed me up to do it tomorrow (Wednesday) at 10:00. Then Nicole could spend a few hours with Alexis and I would still be back for lunch, dinner, and the entire afternoon.

It was getting hot already and only the middle of the morning. Time to go swimming. It really is quite the production to go swimming because the sun is so hot that you can't miss a single spot with sunscreen and she has to wear her special swim diapers. Alexis split time between in her raft and being carried through the water. We pulled her out when she got tired and wheeled her around for a bit while we got on the internet to research our subsequent resort destinations. It took no longer than five minutes this time of hardly even pushing her. Swimming always seems to tire her out.

After that nap, her bottle, and some lunch, she was in a playful mood again. We got ready to go swimming again and she really had the best time I've ever seen her have in the pool. She was smiling and happy the whole time and we stayed in over an hour. There was a ledge in the pool that the water flows over and then it drops off into another section of the pool. Just before the ledge was a step that was perfect height where she could stand easily and use her hand on the ledge to brace herself, but tall enough where she wasn't able to crawl up onto the ledge. She would walk all along that ledge over and over, which was easy to do because the pool was fairly empty at this time.

What comes after swimming? You guessed it – another nap. After she fell asleep she just laid in her stroller in the hotel room with us and Nicole was even able to fall asleep to catch up a little, too. When Alexis woke up, I grabbed her before she could make too much noise. We went down to the buffet to get an afternoon snack – peach yogurt. I wanted to try to let Nicole sleep a little bit more, which worked.

We then just strolled around for a bit until getting ready for dinner. Dinner was pretty good again – food has never been really great at the resort, but it's always been pretty good. We noticed a rash started to form on Alexis and figured it was probably heat rash. She's definitely not used to the hot humid weather and having sweaty clothes on while she's napping doesn't help – but that's what she likes to get herself to sleep. We decided to keep an eye on the rash and let her sleep in only her diaper tonight.

Pushing her around after dinner with a bottle worked as usual and she was asleep while we caught up on things on the internet in the lobby. We vaguely listened to the show that night, "Dogs and Cats", but have no idea why it was named that because of the fact that none of the songs they played had anything to do with dogs OR cats…oh, well. We were heading to bed shortly after it started, anyway.

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